A short adjustment

Ok I’m back. I took a few days to get my head around this time zone changing idea that countries have going on. Then I had an imminent deadline to meet for today so was struggling with even the process of thought.
At the risk of starting on the icy mist outside which is most boring I was brought to smile today at the news from Las Vegas that there is a $10 million prize for the first person/company to create a working Startrek inspired tricorder. If you are unfamiliar with the name it is the device that “Bones” the doctor uses to scan for illness or injuries. Hats off to the people funding this, I’m sure that anything even resembling the function of the fictional tricorder is many years away but the fact that people will be working on and stumbling on new ideas for healthcare is fantastic. Let’s face it, anything that reduces waiting times and removes the need for the head scratching of the handful of useless GP’s that are dotted around would be greatly welcomed. I’m sorry for those of you that are practicing GP’s but I seem to attract the bottom percentile of the class when choosing a new doctor.
I am currently sat in my local coffee shop drinking a particularly nice vanilla latte. I like sitting in here because it makes me feel like there is a place in the world for everyone. As I listen to snippets of the random conversations around me the world really is an interesting place that passes many people by, me included on most occasions. The eastern European gentleman that seems to be sponsored by Ferrari is particularly loud and jovial this morning and may need one of the newly produced “tricorders” soon as he has a nasty chesty cough going on.


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