Foo Fighters as The Beatles - Rope

This is very much turning into a write whenever I have free time blog which at the moment is not a lot.

Found this today on YouTube and couldn't help but post it. Huge Beatles fan and also a big fan of the Foo Fighters too. Imagine my surprise that this one managed to slip past me.

The Foo Fighters were invited to play the Letterman show, so they did a whole gig afterward. Letterman's studio was the old Ed Sullivan studio that the Beatles played hence the B&W suited theme. Loving the drum kit.
Not only do they sound great live but they know how to put on a show and have fun with it too. Big respect to the Foo's and for doing such a long set/gig for Letterman after his heart op.

Qantas Shadow

Qantas Shadow by Mark Merton
Qantas Shadow, a photo by Mark Merton on Flickr.

A truly, inspiring image. I never get bored of this one. It is so unusual to see from this angle and the timing and composition are great also.

The light and sea were perfect in creating texture too.

So much going on it is a feast for the eyes and my love of images.

Thanks Mark.

A short adjustment

Ok I’m back. I took a few days to get my head around this time zone changing idea that countries have going on. Then I had an imminent deadline to meet for today so was struggling with even the process of thought.
At the risk of starting on the icy mist outside which is most boring I was brought to smile today at the news from Las Vegas that there is a $10 million prize for the first person/company to create a working Startrek inspired tricorder. If you are unfamiliar with the name it is the device that “Bones” the doctor uses to scan for illness or injuries. Hats off to the people funding this, I’m sure that anything even resembling the function of the fictional tricorder is many years away but the fact that people will be working on and stumbling on new ideas for healthcare is fantastic. Let’s face it, anything that reduces waiting times and removes the need for the head scratching of the handful of useless GP’s that are dotted around would be greatly welcomed. I’m sorry for those of you that are practicing GP’s but I seem to attract the bottom percentile of the class when choosing a new doctor.
I am currently sat in my local coffee shop drinking a particularly nice vanilla latte. I like sitting in here because it makes me feel like there is a place in the world for everyone. As I listen to snippets of the random conversations around me the world really is an interesting place that passes many people by, me included on most occasions. The eastern European gentleman that seems to be sponsored by Ferrari is particularly loud and jovial this morning and may need one of the newly produced “tricorders” soon as he has a nasty chesty cough going on.


revolutionist by The real Derryn
revolutionist, a photo by The real Derryn on Flickr.
There are so many things I like about Derryn's shot.

For a start I can usually be found somewhere around Barnstaple dressed not unlike this, that caught my eye immediately.

The pose is so natural, you could put a street background behind and it would not look out of place and there is so much texture in the shot thanks to the photographers experimentation with off camera flash.

The icing on the cake is that this is also a self portrait. Not an easy venture to position the camera and lighting when the model is behind the viewfinder looking at nothing and then produce this albeit after a little trial and error I'm sure but none the less, a quality job well done.

Ironwork in Barnstaple

Ironwork in Barnstaple  by Bob Small photography.
Not feeling great today. Still not adjusting to the time difference so I'm still on US Eastern time.

Thought I would find something to help get back in the UK swing of things and found this great shot of the town clock and lamp post sculpture in Barnstaple.

Really like the depth of field as the amount of detail on the fish sculpture is fantastic and the morning sun is casting great shadows.
The clock is not lost in the background though and enough detail remains to make it a secondary subject.

Nice one Bob.

I don't mind the weather - i've got scarves and caps and sweaters. I've got longjohns under slacks for blustery days.

i don't mind the weather - i've got scarves and caps and sweaters. I've got longjohns under slacks for blustery days. by Meredith_Farmer
Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. Have been in Planes, Trains and Automobiles back to England.

This shot sums up my return really.

Another of my favourites from Flickr, I love the way the person is peering out of the darkness it actually makes me feel cold. Lighting is great too.
With the coldness of the background there is a warmth in the way the subject is posed. That hat looks cosy too. For the sake of the shot it fits perfectly, pity its not a deeper red as I would have liked it myself.

Thanks for a great image Meredith

Mt. Hehuan

Mt. Hehuan by Vincent_Ting
Mt. Hehuan, a photo by Vincent_Ting on Flickr.
I found this image today while browsing around on Flickr.

What and amazing view. I love the fact that however amazing and rare it is when this was being taken there was another guy with a camera there too, Isn't that just typical.
He is a great addition to the shot though and really gives a sense of scale to the landscape.

The clouds look like cotton wool.

Clouds are mean like that, they keep the best stuff for the places you can't usually see. When I last flew to Amsterdam from Bristol the view was amazing above the cloud layer.

Iberia - Airbus A340-642 (EC-JNQ)

Iberia - Airbus A340-642 (EC-JNQ) by Fabster44
Sometimes the natural conditions are just perfect for taking pictures. This shot could not be set up, the photographer had to be in the right place at the right time.

This really is the beauty of science at its best.

The science of light working in the part of the camera and fluid dynamics, the air and the aeroplane traveing through it. Who says physics is dull, quite possibly the most amazing thing in the world given the right situations.

Enough said.

Feels like Devon

The humidity is gone and there is a cool pinch to the air. It has been raining since I woke up and sitting on the porch as I write there is something vaguely familiar about the greyness and gentle dripping from the roof.

I am heading back to England in a few days and it’s like America is being kind enough to prepare me for the ensuing depression.

I have a new found motivation this time, for a long while I have toyed with the idea of writing. This blog is the spring of what I one day hope will be a sea of literary creativity.

I remember a few years back telling my housemates about ideas for writing a book and the feeling of excitement as I continually wrote and moulded ideas for plots. At the time with no direction, framework or even the faintest idea about how to write the excitement waned and the idea was shelved.

I'm not sure if it is the American ideal of anything being possible with a little hard graft or having my senses shocked to life by the Ringling museum but there is a book inside me now. I haven't a bloody clue what it is about, who the characters are or anything but it’s there and I’m ready to start the process of scratching it out.

At this point I would like to say my deepest, heartfelt sorry to my friends and family who will more than likely suffer a little as I struggle with this task and I hope you will forgive me for being such a complete world-class twunt in the coming months.

I will endeavour to keep you all informed as to how it is going here and maybe even need your help from time to time.

Times Square at Dusk (New York City)

Times Square at Dusk (New York City) by Stuck in Customs
I couldn't help but add another post today, I was sitting on the couch after trying my hand at Jamie Oliver's Marathon Semifreddo recipe and it takes a while to set so I thought I would crack the knuckles and get tapping again. (For youngsters not old enough to remember, Marthon was the name of a Snicker before it was changed to confuse people.)

For those that don't edit their images this shot is an HDR or High Dynamic Range image. It is made of a number of pictures that vary in exposure. The best parts of each make up the final image.
This is best seen here where the detail in the sky and the advertising are clear and vibrant.

There is so much to look at here that I think I find something new every time. The more you look the more it looks like a piece of artwork rather than a photograph.
For those of you that have Photoshop or PS Elements you can give this a go, click on the image and the photographer has a video on his Flickr page, check it out if you like what you see.


Match by Photomish Dan
Match, a photo by Photomish Dan on Flickr.
This image has been a favourite of mine for some time. Dan is an amazing photographer that has a sickening talent for creative inspiration.

I think this was one of the first images that I ever saw of his when he came to the camera shop where I was working at the time for a job interview, after seeing his portfolio I immediately started playing with close-up lenses and experimenting that evening.
The level of detail in his images is amazing and whenever I try to take macro to the same standard I fail on a grand scale.
When you spend time to look at it you see that nothing has been left to chance. The background, lighting, placement of the match, everything fits and has its place to make an image that grabs your attention.

Well done Dan, you continue to inspire me with your images to this day, keep it up buddy.

Happy New Year

Happy New Year world.

I think as part of a mental clearing out process for this year I am going to give this blog a little purpose as well as a place to house my random thoughts.

I have always been in love with the art of photography and the seemingly endless number of images that can be produced from the simplest of cameras and would like to incorporate this into my daily ramblings.

My intention is for it to be a creative outlet to inspire myself and anyone else who bothers to read this and not to bore people with arty farty crap. Simply a place to share the images I take or find that touch me with the outside world.

I hope this lasts, maybe this time next year we can look back at a collection of images and have something special.

Heres to 2012
